Privacy Statement

Our web traffic is encrypted using TLS and HSTS protocols. TSL encrypts information to avoid the decoding of it by anyone other than Homefields. When accessing a secure server, the first characters in your address bar above will change from “http:” to “https:”

This website uses cookies (small pieces of software) to help Homefields better understand what’s important to our community—for example, what pages and stories are popular. Cookies are anonymized; they cannot reveal your identity to us. They cannot “see” any information stored on your devices or in your files.

You can set your browser to accept or reject a cookie. Check in the “Help” section of the browser you use to learn how to enable this.

We also use Google Analytics to see what pages people like, how long they spend on a page, etc. For information on the use of Google Analytics, click here

If you contact us through one of our online forms, we add your email address to our database so we can respond. We do not share email addresses with third-parties. You always have the option to “opt out”, to have your email address removed from our files, and you can do this by contacting us at at any time.